Dibrugarh, Assam, India

The incidence of infertility has been on the rise in recent  times due to various reasons. Many couples are struggling to  have a baby. Motherhood is such a bliss that no woman in this world would like not to have a baby sometime in their life. But unfortunately not all couples are lucky enough to have a spontaneous conception. Incidence of diseases like PCOD, ENDOMETRIOSIS, PELVIC INFLAMATORY DISEASE, etc are on the rise. Woman are delaying childbirth  due to late marriage, education, career etc  to make the situation worse. On top of it the SEMEN parameters of men all over the world is deteriorating. All this is leading to an ever increasing incidence of infertility.

Recent  developments in medical science has also been very fast and newer technologies are coming up every other day. Today there is a medical solution to every possible  problem and the infertile couples are being immensely  benefitted by these. Laparoscopic surgical techniques have undergone a revolution  and today the availability of  3D and robotics have made surgical procedures very safe and refined. Artificial assisted Techniques like IUI (intra uterine insemination), IVF (In vitro fertilization), ICSI (Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection), PGD (Pre implantation Genetic Diagnosis) etc have given hundreds of thousands of pregnancies throughout the world.

Causes of infertility

Contact Details:

Global Fertility Centre

Graham Bazar Tinali,  A.T.Road,

Dibrugarh – 786001, Assam.

Phone: 0373- 2301738

Mobile: 9435032463




Treatment Facilities

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